Solo play & practice
The Hill Hill deck can be just as fun, challenging, and engaging on your own as it is with a group. Simply separate out the RUN and CHALLENGE cards for endless options. Play is fully customizable to your needs, but these are a few tested trials for individuals.
2 Sets of 2
Remove all cards aside from RUN cards. Draw 2 at random. Then, find the other cards with the same name. Using those 6 cards, complete the RUNS in order (I, II, III) without missing. Miss? Repeat all the above.
Remove all cards aside from RUN & CHALLENGE cards. Draw 5 at random and attempt all (round 1). Completed cards are retired, failures are kept in hand to try again (round 2). You must complete at least 1 card per round to stay alive until all are completed. A round with no completes = failure.
Remove all cards aside from RUN & CHALLENGE cards. Draw 7 at random, select 5 to attempt; keep the cards you're successful with. Repeat 2 more times (3 rounds in total). Track/beat your high score - this game also works very well in a 1v1 format.
Color Climb
Using only one color RUN cards (beginner = yellow, intermediate = blue, advanced = red), complete as many as you can until failure. Keep track of your high watermark for the next climb.