What is this game?

Hill Hill is an innovative billiards card game and training tool. Whether you’re playing with a group or practicing solo, Hill Hill provides unique challenges aimed at helping you master your game.

How does this game work?

In a multiplayer environment, players take turns drawing cards and attempt to complete challenges/runs on the table.  If you’re successful, you keep the card and earn its designated points.  But beware, the deck also contains other card types which can make yours or others’ paths to the “Hill” easier or more difficult 

As a solo endeavor, RUN and CHALLENGE cards function as training tools where you compete against yourself to achieve and surpass high scores.

Who is this game for?

Hill Hill is for everyone.  Really!  

  • It’s great for individuals interested in improving their game through fun training drills

  • An excellent team building game for a group

  • Perfect for kids and beginners as a way to emphasize pattern play before competing in 8 or 9 ball

This game involves a nice balance of skill, strategy, and chance - meaning you don’t have to be a pool shark to hold your own.

Can newcomers and “sharks” play together?

Absolutely!  RUN cards are adaptable to beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.  Plus, BRIDGE and SCRATCH cards will spice things up for all players.

Why did you create this game?

First and foremost, I love the game of pool.  And while nothing will ever replace a game of 8-ball or 9-ball, I wanted to create something that trained and rewarded the pattern play necessary for winning those matches.

I also wanted to provide something that would engage more than 2 people when you’re playing with a group a people.  Nobody comes to the pool hall to stand around.  Now everyone can get in on the competitive action at the same time.

Whether you’re playing solo or with a group, ultimately, this game is intended to make you a better shooter.  The skills and solutions you’ll develop while playing Hill Hill will stay with you long after the game is over.

Do you have any advice for approaching Hill Hill?

You bet.  What seems easy may prove difficult. And what seems impossible may find a path.  Every game of Hill Hill is unique.  Just keep at it.